Sunday, August 24, 2008

Trip Itinary: July

July1: Joe Cove

July 2-4: Cullen Harbor. Gail warnings. Brooker Lagoon

July 5-6: Port Hardy.

July 7-9: Walkers group.

July 10-11: Miles Inlet. 22kt. of wind. 2 orcas swam with us.

July 12: Millbrook Cove. Foggy

July 13-15: Fury Cove. Nice beach. Free shrimps. Hang out with other boaters.

July 16: Green Point Anchorage. Engine problems. Towed the boat with our dingy into the anchorage.

July 17: Warrior Cove

July 18-20: Ada Cove. Raining.

July 21: Shearwater

July 22:Troup Passage Cove

July 23: Entered Roscoe Inlet. Anchored at Boukind Bay.

July 24: Anchored at the end of Roscoe Inlet. Bear searching!

July 25-26: Rob’s first self-discovered anchorage

July 27-28: Kaklushadish Harbor. Stayed to avoid storm warning.

July 29: Shearwater.

July 30; Hunter Channel Complex.

July 31 Edna Cove