Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7/18 - 7/21 長日漫漫 A long, long day











我們努力自我安慰與鼓勵,但是心中都疲累而受傷。半小時後,我們進入第二個停泊點─艾達灣。灣內空 無一人,讓我們大為寬心。我們繞了二圈確認下錨點(其實我好想開動引擎,下錨會容易許多!但是我的好強讓我就是不願服輸)。在丟下船錨時,錨繩突然首次莫名卡住。船錨卻已經鉤住灣底,我們進退二難。我不做多想立刻跑入艙內,奮力推開剛降下堆擠在艙首的大前帆,打開錨繩儲存的艙門,鑽進充滿海草味與泥巴的狹小空間拯救錨繩。






Outside it rained all day. Inside the boat, I laid comfortably on and then heard Cui Jian's “Nothing to My Name” come from Rob's computer. It took me right back to my university years. We talked about the memories his music brought up. The water kettle chattered on the stove and the air was filled with the smell of green puer tea.

It was a beautiful, lazy day.

It hardly seemed possible that only a dozen hours before I had faced a moment of great frustration and cried such tears of anguish that I didn't care about anything any more. I simply wanted to go home.

Actually, yesterday started out like any every other day of sailing. We got up, did our morning meditation, and spent an hour or so over breakfast and tea. Since we have begun taking 2 hour shifts in sailing, we're each getting more rest and the sailing is more relaxed. But that all changed when we turned into Lama Passage.

The wind was about 15 knots, it was the perfect challenge to advance my single-handing. With the genoa up and my small stature, I had use all of my strength to keep the boat from rounding up into the wind. This was the first time I've ever tried to tack single-handed into so much wind. I was incredibly nervous. From a distance, it probably looked like I was practicing some sort of kung fu. My leg was stuck out behind me to push the tiller. My hands were reaching forward to first loose one geno sheet and then pull tight the other as the boat came through the wind.

I scolded myself for seeking my own trouble. Rob was inside the cabin giving me directions. But mostly I heard my own heart pounding and my breathe rushing in and out of my lungs. After a single tack, I was exhausted. I was afraid of losing control of the boat and of losing boat speed while head to wind. In this sort of wind, this boat feels really big to me.

As I practiced tacking the second time, I was hoping to be better in tune timing my tack through the wind, but I got my lines tangled, the boat turned to far and I lost control of it direction. But I still had to play my role and tighten the lines and regain steerage. Finally, my shift came to and end. I breathed a silent sigh of relief, but didn't get much break as it was time to enter our anchorage.

Fancy Cove is not big. We found three boats already in the anchorage. Rob single-handed the boat, but the wind was up and the large genoa was a lot to handle in a small space (Rob's note: To change or not change the sail? Sometimes we choose well...). He was hoping to get the anchor down quickly, but I couldn't find a spot that seemed to have enough swinging room.

The genoa rattled in the wind as the land-contorted winds shifted about the boat. People on the other boats watched in astonishment as we circled the harbor like headless flies. I was frustrated that I couldn't find anywhere to drop the anchor. I cursed Rob's desire to enter the harbor under sail, but I wasn't about to lower my head and ask him to start the engine. Rob was frustrated that he hadn't put on the smaller jib. He felt like a circus clown wrestling with the genoa in these shifty bluster conditions. The tension between us built rapidly.

In the end, we dropped the anchor in the entrance channel of the cove, giving up the greater wind protection of the inner cove, and decided to live with the added hassle of dropping our anchor in deep water. As I paid out anchor rode, we came right up against the shore, nearly hitting bottom. I blamed Rob for turning to early. He said I dropped the anchor too late... We were both sad, angry, and frustrated.

After taking time to regain ourselves, we looked at situation carefully and reviewed the chart. It became very clear, there was no room for us in this cove, either inside or in the entrance. “Well, if this place won't hold us, some place will,” I thought. We hoisted our sails, raising the jib this time, weighed anchor and, putting aside our blame of each other, took off for our next cove.

We did our best to renew our spirits, but my heart was aching and exhausted. When we entered Ada Cove, not another soul was in the cove. What a relief. We circled a couple times to find a good spot for the anchor (I really wanted to start the engine. It's so much easier to anchor under power!). When I dropped the anchor, the rode suddenly stuck. It wouldn't come out at all. But the anchor had already bit into the bottom. Both staying or leaving suddenly became challenging. I didn't think twice, I ran below and pushed aside the genoa which now filled the forward section of our boat and opened the chain locker in the very bow of the boat. I stuck my head into the musty, muddy smelling locker to free the anchor rode.

I took my soiled self back on deck and rob sailed us around for a second attempt at anchoring. We sailed out far enough to build the momentum necessary to set our hook well. I told Rob, “I've had enough,” trying to hold back my tears (I didn't want to admit any weakness!) I dropped the anchor and this time, the rode paid out smoothly. It was a success. And then, I grabbed the corner of the jib in preparation for bringing it down. Rob came running up with an urgent expression on his face. He desperately told me that by pulling in the jib's corner I had filled the sail with wind, which turned the boat, and then filled the main with wind. We had sailed over the anchor rode and had maybe even unset the anchor. He didn't know if it was well set or not.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I couldn't take it any more. All I wanted was to end the day. I just couldn't take any more. I sat on the deck and cried.

Two curious seals stuck there heads out to look at us. Outside the cove, the orange red of sunset lit up the two islets that guard the cove's entrance. In my overwhelmed state of despair, I had no heart to look at any of this beauty. I hated all of it.

But after a full night's rest, even though my eyes were still puffy from crying, I started to take joy in life again. Surrounded by the fragrance of tea, the two of us went over the previous day's events. I saw my own limitations, and I came to understand how my desire to be strong had caused me to neglect my true real needs. I also discovered my resiliency and once again resumed our journey.