Wednesday, August 20, 2008

無所不用其極 (By All Means)






p.s. 後來也有一次無風夜晚,我自告奮勇划小舟拉Syzygy。媽呀!真是極度吃力不討好的工作,小舟往前,綁住大船的繩索拉緊,若沒有立刻再更使力划,小舟就反而往船方向靠近,得用力再將小船划離,事倍功半。總之,就是得費盡吃奶力氣不斷用力往前划。奇怪的的,划的精疲力竭之餘,看見syzygy終於緩緩前進,心中居然感受到無限的滿足!


Rob has a passion for sailing.

Regardless of the situation, he won't start the engine unless he absolutely has to. So, once we spent nearly an entire day drifting in Fitz Hugh Sound waiting for the wind to come up. We have circled an anchorage raising and lower headsails just so we could set our anchor under sail. Other people come straight into the anchorage, pick a spot to drop their anchor, and then back up to set it. Instead, we circle toward our spot, making a bigger circle in light wind, and if we don't set the anchor well, we circle some more.

Below are a couple more pieces of evidence.

First, when single-handing the boat, it takes two hands to handle the sails. With his head looking up at the wind indicator atop the mast, Rob says his steering method is, “using his whole body to steer the boat.”

As for me, I had no desire to stoop to his level of crassness, but after nearly twisting my ankle trying to use my legs to steer, I finally had to admit the efficacy of his method.

Second, once when there was no wind, when we just didn't want to wait any longer, Rob to prove that we didn't need to offend nature with our engine, got into our dinghy and towed the boat. He got us going at a full knot of speed!

As ridiculous as this is, one night when our engine wouldn't start I actually towed Syzygy myself. Man! What an exhausting, tedious job! The dinghy moves forward, the tow rope tightens, and then the dinghy springs back straight toward the boat. If you don't put in a strong stroke immediately, you end up right under the bow. Then you have to row t and start over. You simply have to row with all your might and then keep rowing. The strange thing is, after expending all this energy, when I saw Syzygy actually making headway, I was filled with satisfaction.