Sunday, August 17, 2008

7/13-7/16 同在異鄉為異客 Unexpected Companions













We accidentally landed at Fury Cove and accidentally met a couple fellow travelers.

Kahlid is the first African American we've meet on this trip. He came up the west side of Vancouver Island by himself. After battling northwest winds in Queen Charlotte Sound for 12 hours, he changed his mind and decided to go up the sheltered route and found himself here. Talking to him is like watching a child in a toy store. For him the west coast is nonstop excitement and challenge, from inclement weather. In his animated way he went on about the long passages, the dangers of the rocks, the time the wind blew him until his anchor dragged, or blew so hard from the north that hew could make no forward progress. “It's so cool!” he exclaimed. I really enjoyed his enthusiasm. In his description, the west coast of Vancouver Island is full of enchangingly beautiful scenery. His energy also helped revive me from my fatigue. But I have no way to be as romantic as him, just diving into our trip with so little forethought.


We also met the second Asian person that we've seen on this coast, a shrimp fisherman from Chao Zhou China. At Port Hardy we previously met a Chinese immigrant originally from Beijing. She was deftly cleaning the salmon she and her husband had caught. I was of course excited to meet another Chinese woman, but she kept her eyes on her work, and despite being kind enough to leave us a salmon head for our crab trap, would only speak English with me. She was very terse in her utterances. I have no way to know what she was thinking.

But the shrimper from Chao Zhou was her exact opposite.

We heard from another boater in the anchorage that the fishing boat sharing the cove with us was skippered by a very friendly Chinese man. Rob and I rowed right over to say hello. He was there working, full of energy and very busy sorting the days catch. Despite his work load, he was very happy to see us.

The three of us used four different languages to communicate, Mandarin, Chao Zhou, Taiwanese, and English. The Chao Zhou and Taiwanese languages are close enough that, like Spanish and Italian, can be mutually understood with enough effort. Sometimes none of us knew what the others were saying. But our desire to communicate triumphed.

When we were ready to leave, the shrimper offered us some shrimp. We thought he was going to sell them to us. Instead he offered us a large basket of shrimp and said, “Here, have these.” Rob and I just looked at each other. He was trying to give us nearly 20 pounds of shrimp. We explained that we had no refrigerator or ice and that they would go to waste. So, he filled our pressure cooker to the brim with shrimp. Even then we weren't sure how we would eat all of them.

I've never in my life had this much shrimp on my hands. We thought for a moment and then rowed a big bag of shrimp over to Kahlid. Then I took some top quality Li Shan tea that my cousin had given me and had Rob take it over to the shrimper. Rob came back touched and moved, with a face showing a strained smile. By way of explanation he held up a large bag of mammoth BC prawns.

That night we cooked the shrimp according to the shrimpers instructions, steaming an full to the brim pot of shrimp so they would keep overnight. We worked until nearly midnight. The fresh shrimp were so good and so sweet that we ate one after another despite our already full stomachs.

The next day, I used half the shrimp to make shrimp cakes. Rob used the other half in a Thai seafood soup. We used the prawns to top our risotto. Thanks to the Chao Zhou shrimper's generosity, we had a shrimp feast to mark the halfway point of our journey. After lunch, I made a lemon coconut cake to give to him in return.

When he returned from fishing at 7:00 pm he brought his boat alongside. I popped my head out to say hello. He picked up a red snapper and asked, “Do you want some fish?” Three fish, one after another, boom, boom, boom landed in our dinghy. He turned his boat and slowly went far enough away to drop his anchor.

I used a bucket to carry the fish back to the boat, and told Rob that I missed home. Here on the other side of the ocean, I missed my aunts, uncles, and cousins. They are all just like the Chao Zhou shrimper, warm, generous, and taking happiness in life. They use generous gifts to express their affection without much verbal communication to show their warmth and good will clear.