Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sourdough 光頭做麵包

We're finally baking bread. Or at least we're tacking in that direction.

I have read many times that one can bake bread in a pressure cooker. What you are supposed to get is bread with a good crumb but no crust.

The people who said that pressure cooker bread has no crust obviously don't know what the crust of steamed bread is like. The crust on our pressure cooked bread is exactly like that on Chinese steamed buns. The crumb on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired.

Sourdough is made with wild yeast. Mix a cup of flour and a cup of water, tend it for a few days, throwing some away and adding fresh flour and water, and then you get a colony of wild yeast to make your bread rise.
But some wild yeast performs better than ours. Our “Prideaux Sour” culture turned out to be as lazy as our days were at that anchorage.

As the yeast metabolizes the flour, it gives off CO2 and alcohol as byproducts. Well our Prideaux yeast was far more fond of alcohol than the hard work of raising bread. Our culture, although healthy, was swimming in the beery smelling liquor that sourdough bakers call “hooch.” Yet very few bubbles appeared.
When we “proofed the sponge,” which is simply to add flour and water to the culture so that it will kick up its activity, rather than the white froth we were supposed to get, we got a few lackadaisical bubbles, the barest hint of froth, and a whole bunch of hooch. When we used this starter to make our dough rise, not even four hours of rising time would get the dough to double in size. The resulting brick could have been used as a weapon. We thought about feeding it to the ducks, but it sunk so fast in the water that we were afraid they might drown chasing it down or even be sunk by it. But as it stands, it went down so quickly, they never even noticed.

We gave Mr. Prideaux one more chance, giving him an entire day to do his two risings. What we got was a slightly less dense brick with a hint of bread-like structure in parts of its interior. On the other hand, the flavor was good.

So, at Cortes Harbor, we retired Mr. Prideaux and started anew. We have high hopes for Cortessa, who is in her infancy, but bubbling away at a much quicker pace than Mr. Prideaux ever attained.








