Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5/27 Lund

懷著即將踏入夢寐以求的「寧靜灣」(Desolation Sound),以及可以離開鯨脂灣這鬼地方的好心情,我們昇帆啟航。




Looking forward to the long awaited beauty of Desolation Sound, and happy to be free of Blubber Bay, we sailed the waters inside of Texada Island in a great mood. And then the wind died. While Rob was in the midst of struggling to keep the sails filled with a tiny breath of wind he discovered that we had lost a nut from the bottom of the bolt that held the boom to the mast. The bolt had worked itself halfway out. A single gust of wind could have detached the boom and possibly torn the main.

Usually reluctant to start the engine, Rob immediately dropped the sail and turned on the engine, motoring at speed for the small town of Lund. Luckily we found the proper stainless steel lock nut at the gas station in Lund and conducted a joyful financial exchange. We then went to the bakery recommended by our friends Casey and Julia for some fresh bread, took a long-awaited shower, and got back on our way to Desolation Soud.