Friday, June 13, 2008

Not a Lot of Sailing 真的是航行嗎?

Sailing is mostly an affectation.

At least here on the Inside Passage there is not much sailing done. Sure, we hoist our sails when there's a nice wind, but the fact is that the sailors out here are sailors of convenience. When the wind dies, blows a direction other than we like, or simply gets a little weaker than we like, on comes the engine. We play sailor for as long as it's fun and then resort to the same technique that anyone anywhere in the mechanized world uses—petroleum. And even when the sailing is good, we get passed by sailboats with all their sails down motoring on to the next anchorage.

In an age when oil addiction has us embroiled in war, environmental destruction, and some of the most unethical foreign relations and business deals possible, it pains me no end that even life aboard a sailboat leaves me petroleum dependent.

Our boat, a fiberglass hull, is made primarily of petroleum products. We cook with diesel, use diesel for heat, and our motor propulsion is also diesel. The electricity that I type this with comes partly from solar but these days, mostly from energy harvested from our diesel engine.

Nothing is worse than being up here in the pristine wilderness, chug, chug, chugging into an anchorage, belching diesel fumes into the air, and joining crowds of motor boaters who have so much electrical load that they have to run their generators all night. Miles and miles from the nearest metropolitan area, the hum of the city is only two boats away.

So what does it mean to seek a closeness to nature when we come here belching smoke and noise? What does it mean to 'live by the rhythm of wind and tide' when we simply crank on the engine and ignore them as soon as they become inconvenient? Aren't we, the so called nature lovers, really just the shock troops for mechanized invasion of every corner of the planet?

But before I get too hard on myself, let's look at the numbers. Since departing Seattle on May 8, the two of us have run a 20 horsepower diesel engine for a total of 13.5 hours. Including fuel for meals and heat, we have burned a total of just under 10 gallons of diesel fuel. We've been gone for 20 days, so we're looking at a 0.5 gallons of fuel per day total energy consumption. If I had a regular internet connection right now, I'd let you know what the average American energy consumption is, but I'm willing to bet that cooking, heating, transportation, and electric usage would come to a far higher number 0.5 gallons of diesel per day (0.25/person/day). If we figure $5.00/gallon, that comes to a total of $75 / month total non-renewable energy consumption, including everything from transportation to heat to entertainment for two people. I guess that's not really so bad.

We have to look at balance. We're living like royalty out here with only the most modest energy consumption. And, if I actually learn to sail, if I actually learn how to give my boat's motion over to wind and tide, this number will drop dramatically. Our engine burns a little more than half a gallon of fuel per hour. If we can avoid starting the engine, and truly make our way by wind and tide, our 0.6 gallons of fuel per day could easily drop to 0.4 gallons. If we were fascist about it, and never started the engine, we could even get down below 0.3 gallons per day. I may be a lot of things, but I will never be a fascist. So we'll forget that number right now.

So, for the next few months it will be interesting to see where we actually do strike the balance between dancing to nature's tune and giving over to the human desire for convenience, and to see whether or not our sailing skills and patience can overtake the cultural habit of wanting everything our way and wanting it that way 'right now.'

A sailboat, after all, is perhaps the perfect expression of our current human predicament—the need to balance our desire for a safe home and freedom to create our own life according to our own desires with the very real needs of the environment we live in. What skills can we learn to live at peace with this environment? What habits can we let go of to give ourselves a better place to inhabit? Can we truly walk into the wilderness without becoming agents of its destruction?









