Friday, August 15, 2008

Play 玩

Sometimes, even six years in Taiwan doesn't make a difference. Some gaps are hard to bridge.

I suppose it's always this way, but the older generation is harder to reach than the younger (if a man in his forties can still bandy about the word “young”).

The younger generation has spent many years of their lives entranced by or aghast at the vibrant culture and flagrant transgressions of the West. They are steeped in our movies and music (in addition to their own). They have had to learn English in school and many have studied overseas. Those people of my age who would like to have a “foreigner” as a friend come with a background that makes a connection easy. When we add the years that I have spent steeping myself in Taiwanese and Chinese culture, we have the basis for a true cultural exchange. It is a rich way to relate, full of learning and surprises and at the same time a deep recognition of commonality.

But I have some people in my life who I still find hard to reach. Whether in Jiayu's family or in the very traditional world of tea, I have some dear people in my life who cannot yet conceive of this sail journey. As close as they can come is the word “play.”

To be fair, the older generation of Taiwan has survived hardships that hopefully none of us, will ever have to experience. But in their minds any activity that is not directly dedicated to financial security is “play.” And this word play is not said with positive connotations. When Jiayu first came on this trip with me, her father pulled her aside and told her a story about “The Crickets and the Ants.” The crickets, you see, were making music and having a generally good time on a summer night. Meanwhile, the ants were working very hard stockpiling food. The crickets kept calling to the ants saying, “Why don't you come play? Summer is here! Rejoice! Why all the toil?” The ants replied, “It won't be summer forever, you have to work hard to survive.” In the end the crickets all starved to death and the ants survived another year.

It reminds me entirely of talking to people who survived the Great Depression. Many of this now nearly gone generation, were frugal to the point of obsession. Every little thing was to be saved. Spending was seen as a very dangerous undertaking. Taiwan's equivalent hard times aren't that far in the past, and an entire segment of the population lives as if hard times around the corner will come just as surely as night follows day and winter follows fall.

But from where I come from, although depression is a real enough possibility, it has not proven to be even a once a generation event. These hard times, sure to hit eventually, don't hit every lifetime nor every society. In fact, to live one's entire life as if unbearable hardship is sure to fall is to miss out on some of life's greatest joys.

The question that comes up is, after financial security, then what? Some people, in every culture, never feel secure enough. It wouldn't matter how much they had saved, they would need to earn more. I think this is the most common responsible approach to finance. The most common irresponsible American approach seems to be to carry massive amounts of credit card debt. But I don't find myself in either of these camps.

Let's assume for the time being that I am intelligent enough to ensure that I will not spend my dotage as a pauper. Certainly I have enough to eat. I have shelter to live in, whether by land or by sea. All of my basic needs of life are provided for. So, while it would be nice to have some more money, and while it would be more common to simply aim for the quickest way to make more money, I'm instead asking myself what is most meaningful to me in life? What is the life I want to create for myself? What are the things I most want to do in my brief stay on this planet? What contribution do I want to make to the world? What do I have to offer?

I am not living in fear for enough to eat. I too can be frugal. This trip is costing the two of us less than $400 per person per month. It is not a huge financial burden. So, if the anthill was overflowing with food and they continued to horde, would they still be considered sane? If the crickets had already provided for their winters, shouldn't they laugh and sing?

So, yes, this sailing trip is great fun. My heart is filled with gratitude for this opportunity. I can hardly imagine a more exciting way to spend my time. I worked for well over a year, saving money and repairing this old boat to prepare for this journey. And against the odds, quite distinct from the expectations of mainstream culture, I have successfully freed myself to journey through one of the world's last wilderness coasts. I have have the rare good fortune of exploring an archipelago, the likes of which exists nowhere else on Earth.

Yes, we play a lot. Play is important. This life is a gift. We can give thanks through celebration. Time with friends, a game of cards. These are the rewards for a day's hard work. These are the joyful moments we we have earned with our labor.

But as fun as this trip has been so far, much, much more is going on here than play. Sailing through a sea where whales are jumping is more akin to a religious experience than it is to a game of cards. The shear power of this dying race of mammoth beings is breath taking. Learning the rudiments of sailing, and then learning to time one's life to the flow of the tides, currents, and weather requires both a deep study and a shift in perspective. We have had to learn to be acutely aware of our natural environment and to invite it into our lives in a way that few modern people do.

At the same time, we are gaining a first hand experience of the devastation we as humans are wreaking on the natural world. I had no idea how thoroughly the Canadian Pacific fishery had collapsed. I knew that the US was doing a somewhat reasonable job of protecting the Alaska fishery, but it is nearly unfathomable that a place as remote and seemingly pristine as the BC coast could be in such dire peril of losing its marine ecosystem.

So, we've had both the gift of being close to the natural world, and also the sad experience of realizing how much our human hunger for more and more money has devastated this same world. If human greed could be attenuated, if we could recognize when we already had enough and not keep lusting for more, we could leave a far better world for our descendants.

In this same vein, we have also learned how little it takes to be truly happy. In the city, I can throw $3.00 away on coffee without even thinking about it. Now, living as simply as we do, a cup of coffee has become a celebration in itself. We cherish our lives much more than when we could have all the coffee we wanted any time of day or night. Truly we are learning the joy of simple living and the art of living lightly on the world's surface.

And yet, even these are not actually the most important lessons of this journey. The more important lessons are internal. A trip like this not only gives us the time to get to know ourselves more clearly, it forces us to face ourselves. When two people are in such a small space together for an extended time, there is no more room for hiding. Even when we want to hide our weaknesses or portray ourselves in an overly-positive light, the mask cannot hold up.

We have, likewise, practiced many moments of mending and rebuilding our relationship. Tears in the fabric of relationship are inevitable. We have each had many opportunities to practice the art of forgiveness and the art of apology.

So quite unlike a sunny day at the beach, a journey like this takes a real inner courage, a willingness to face even one's own darkest corners of experience. Through this process, we have become stronger both in ourselves and in relationship. We have developed a deep abiding trust in each other.

Jiayu's father, my future father in law, has told us repeatedly not to “play too long” and to make sure to come back and “get to work.” Each time I hear this, my heart sinks. I don't think he understands the importance of the work we are doing.

But if we do want to speak of the world of paid work, it is important to remember that both Jiayu and I work in the field of counseling psychology. It is our work to help people see themselves more clearly. It is our job to help people discover their own resources for happiness and to face the parts of themselves that are unhappy and in need of care. The very process of learning and discovery that we are undergoing on this sailing journey is exactly the process we are working to awaken within our clients.

It is essential that counselors go on periodic voyages of self-discovery. If we expect our clients to do the courageous work of inner exploration, we have to be willing to do it ourselves. Counselors need retreats in order to do their own inner work. Only then can they come back into the world with renewed energy and effectiveness.

We are on our return trip. Like Buddhist practitioners returning from the rain retreats, we are turning our thoughts back toward the world. I myself am thinking much of work. I am wondering exactly what projects I will find most fulfilling and inspiring. I am wondering how I can best be of service to others. I am looking for the most meaningful, fulfilling work that I can undertake. I am looking forward to re-engaging with society.

As we ponder these questions slowly and let our plans take shape, I am also looking forward to finally having some simple fun. We are headed back into familiar waters with a new set of sailing and life skills. Soon, we should make it into sunshine and warmth. Finally, it is time to play.






說句公道話,老一輩的台灣人曾過著我們一輩子想像不到的苦日子。在他們的心中,任何與增加經濟安全感無直接關連的活動都是「玩」。而且,「玩」並不具有正面意義。當Jiayu一開始決定加入航行,她父親讓她重溫「螞蟻與蟋蟀」的故事:蟋蟀在夏天演奏音樂與玩樂;而螞蟻辛勤工作囤積食物。蟋蟀不斷對螞蟻說:「你為什麼不來一起玩呢?夏天到了!來慶祝吧!! 幹嘛那麼辛苦?」螞蟻回答:「夏天不會永遠持續下去,要怎麼收穫先怎麼栽」。最後,蟋蟀在冬天餓死了,而螞蟻度過了另外一年。


















