Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Motor Sailing 動力航行

If you accuse most contemporary sailors of motor sailing, they will look at you with scorn. Their boat, they will remind you, is a sailboat, not one of those bastardized motor boats with a stick that neither motors nor sails well.

But the fact is. These cruising boats are motor sailors. They motor in, they motor out, and when they can't sail at some arbitrary minimum speed, they motor. If the weather turns bad, they motor. They are only sailboats when it is convenient. Otherwise, they are motor boats.

As much as I like to sail, and as much tolerance as I have for both slow progress and tacking to windward, here we are, motoring around Cape Caution. With a steady high pressure system in place, and not enough hours of wind forecast to make the next harbor northward, we decided to motor. If we were sailing, we would wait the three days or so for the current high pressure system will take to dissipate. We would wait for an all day breeze. But instead, we are motor sailing again.

Motor sailing has a lot of advantages. We can make harbors far more distant than we can when sailing. We can motor all morning, and when the prevailing afternoon Westerly comes up, we can raise our sails, kill the engine, and keep going. This at least doubles our range in these waters at this time of year.

With a tiller pilot plugged in, one of us can keep watch, hands free, looking out for floating debris and traffic, and the other one can rest read, or take advantage of the engine's excess electricity and type on the computer tho their heart's content. We re-charge our cameras and computers. I plug in my razor and shave.

But after a life of straight sailing—landing and leaving each harbor under sail, drifting when becalmed—punctuated by only occasional engines starts to get in and out of a marina, or to land harbor before dark when our forecasting has failed us, the contrast of motoring simply because we want to is startling. Suddenly, we get to go where we want, when we want. And we get lots of electricity. We can meet a schedule, predicting exactly when we will land.

But as I write this, I currently find the forces of nature, are no longer the music that I dance to, the now gentle now challenging passages which each require precise physical response. Instead, they're just annoying. The swell makes it hard to type without risking vertiginous nausea. The sun obscures my computer screen. As for the sounds of the sea, I have no idea, the noise of the engine fully envelopes the cabin.

This is the price we pay to 'make good time.' We are buying time with soot, smoke, and noise.

The engine is probably best seen as a simple expression of will. I wanted to go further than the weather allowed. Without regard for outside circumstance, a twist of the key propels me onward. The forces of nature be damned—it's time for me to be on my way.

The engine is likewise our link to society. We run our world with machine precision. We have engineered our lives to such fine tolerances that even milliseconds can mean millions of dollars. The engine is how we re-interface to the clock pulse of the rest of the world.

Motoring along out here, regardless of where I am, I feel like I'm already half way back to the city.










