Thursday, July 17, 2008

6/29 - 7/1 Waddington Bay 瓦丁灣

The passage from Farewell Harbor to Waddington Bay is my favorite to date. We made the entire passage, from anchor up to anchor down entirely under sail and didn't start the engine again until we were becalmed mid-way through a 30 mile passage to Port hardy five days later.

The sailing was spectacular. We sailed to windward, downwind and across the wind, in winds ranging from 15 knots to 0. We ghosted down a channel watching for which parts of the channel were most often visited by whispers of wind, and we transited passages between submerged rocks and reefs in two knots of current balancing wind, water and timing.

We anchored beautifully, set the hook well, and were immediately under the spell of Waddington Bay. The hundreds of starfish, the eagles, the woodpeckers--this bay was everything we had hoped for. We hung out for a couple days and enjoyed both a taste of laziness and the joy of being back underway and back in nature. Town was good, but now we're on the hook again and it feels good.

This passage was a real turning point for us. Despite moments of being becalmed and having to work our way through some difficult light winds both in transit and entering the bay, neither of us ever had any desire to start the engine. It feels great to finally be sailing, to simply accept the jobs that need to be done to make passages under sail.

As we came in, looking for our ideal spot, the sudden sound of our clicking winch brought one fellow boater darting into his cockpit. We came in so silently, he had no idea we were right beside him until we re-trimmed our sails.

Jiayu and I have become a strong sailing team, and it felt great to be making sail adjustments together, dexterously bringing our craft to rest.

We are both in love with the Broughtons. We dinghied out together among the islets just stunned by the beauty of this place. I would love to simply spend a month in the Broughtons, altenating smooth-water tactical sail passages with long days at anchor in some of the most beautiful waters I've seen yet.






