Sunday, July 13, 2008

6/15 - 6/17 Getting It Over With and Getting On With It 快馬加鞭

With time running out to meet my parents later in the month, we decided to motor and make time. We motored to our first anchorage, and then we didn't stop. We motored to Boat Bay, the next day's anchorage. The orcas had not come in yet. We kept going.

But we were getting tired. We needed an anchorage close to Port McNeil, without going all the way there. Jiayu picked the Pearse Islands, an undeveloped marine park about 10 miles south of Port McNeil.

What a wonderful, secluded little spot. We ate a dinner supplemented by a pot of foraged sea asparagus soup and had this little gem of a spot all to ourselves. We bushwhacked through the brush to get a view of Queen Charlotte Strait, dinghied around, and enjoyed ourselves so much that we stayed an extra night.

What a relief. After 40 some miles of motoring in a day, we were wiped out. The experience pretty much cured us of the desire to motor. Or more accurately, Jiayu's perception of the motor changed. I hope she'll write something about that.

For me, my motor serves the purpose of both safety net and training wheels. On this boat at least, it truly is an "auxiliary" engine.

Learning to sail without motor assistance is learning to sail. The small art of learning to read how the wind deforms and reforms around a given piece of topography, how to move a boat out of a sheltered spot on just a tiny puff of breeze, how to find the spot where the wind is strong enough and the current weak enough to let me out if I missed my tide waiting for the wind to come up--all of these skills are a joy to me. They require a brightly burning attentiveness to the natural world, a quietude and patience.

Making and exiting harbor under sail is a dance that inspires me. If it takes me an hour to get out under sail rather than the five minutes it takes under power, that's an hour of intense communion with nature that I've been afforded. The effort is rewarded with a sense of peace, a sense of accomplishment, and a set of skills out of reach of those who motor by habit.

We exited the Pearse Islands elegantly, under sail, through a narrow gap down-current and down wind, accompanied by the excited agitation of a family of minks, following us to make sure we were really going.








