Friday, July 11, 2008

6/13 - 6/15 Owen Bay to Blind Channel 歐文灣至盲目海道

The wind finally died as we came into Blind Channel. I am seldom as happy to be out of the wind as I was this day. We motored up to the marina and took a slip for the night.

The wind wasn't bad. It was exhilarating and fun. But sometimes enough is enough. We left Owen Bay on a race against the predicted gale in Johnstone Strait. Much to my consternation, we were just beginning the motor propelled portion of our trip.

With a gale called for and a need to reach the turn to Blind Channel before the wind came up against the ebb current in the strait, turning the waters into a dangerous, steep chop, we motored out of Owen Bay and began a long day's transit under power.

This lasted until the wind came up so much that we could sail to windward faster than we could motor. With our boat loaded with our worldly belongings, facing a head wind and a speed-killing chop, our 25 year old 20 horsepower diesel wasn't up to the task of driving headlong into it at any more than three knots.

I was ecstatic that I could make better time under sail than under power. We took off briskly, tacking from one side to the other of the strait, eventually getting over-powered and tucking in a reef. Eventually, we made our turn out of the strait toward Blind Channel resort. We shook out our reef, and then the wind got gusty. Jibing through the channel with this unpredictable, boisterous wind behind us was wearing on the nerves. Exact wind angle and strength varied with topology. Looking back at the strait, we could see the gale was well on its way.

And the we turned the final corner, and the wind died completely. Behind us, it was blowing, in front, nothing. This turned out to be one of our last days of motoring. We were well into a shift towards sailing that was finally cemented in place by our upcoming transit of Johnstone Strait's far northern end. We still use the engine, but its role in our lives has radically shifted.





