Sunday, June 22, 2008

5/30 - 5/31 Galley Bay






Galley Bay寧靜而美麗,但我們的下錨仍舊充滿壓力。小灣內空無一船,我們卻仍舊在緊張關係中嘗試二次才成功。



This morning's departure scared the whits out of me.

The entrance to Squirrel cove is narrow and lined with submerged rock. I was very proud of myself for being able to raise the anchor and set sail without starting the engine. Once we had done this, I thought Rob would start the engine and motor us out of the cove. Instead, I saw him set his determination on sailing out.

In this narrow cut, he tacked against the wind. As the rocks approached, Rob excitedly waited for the wind to fill the sails and the boat to gain momentum and then turned the boat. In this tiny channel, he tacked wide through 110 to 120 degrees to harvest as much of the light wind as he could to gain momentum for the next tack. When I saw how close we were to the rocks I was stuck with terror and my stomach ached with cramps and fear.

I don't know where the balance point is in giving each other enough room to be ourselves. Ro's sailing skills are naturally more advanced than mine. He needs challenges to keep progressing. But this challenge brought me to the edge of a nervous breakdown. I need him to have enough confidence to feel safe. It's hard to watch him take on a new challenge for the first time.

We came through safely. Rob felt like his skills advanced. I felt like I had lost several million of body's cells.

Galley Bay is quiet and beautiful. But anchoring was once again stressful. We were the only boat in the anchorage and yet it still took us two tries to get the anchor set properly.

What a long day.