Monday, May 26, 2008

Port Townsend 5/10 - 5/14

Not a lot of pictures from here. We did some of the mundane work needed to keep the dream alive--laundry, showers, grocery shopping, customs clearance. But we did manage to take a day to wander this historic sea port.

Our most notable meeting was with Carol Hasse of Port Townsend Sails. Her reputation for uncompromising quality is well known in the sailing world. What I didn't know was what a warm and welcoming individual she would turn out to be. So, special thanks to both Spencer and Carol for their advice and help on getting the best trim out of our main sail, and even more for the warm welcome.

It's hard to believe that I'm not filling this page with shot after shot of the gorgeous wooden boats that populate the waters of this town. Instead, please enjoy these beautiful shots of the late spring snow on Hurricane Ridge where we went with my parents on Mother's Day.


在這裡,我們居然有機會見到知名的帆布製作大師Carol Hasse。她在航海界因其高標準與高品質的要求享譽盛名。讓我們驚訝的是她居然如此的溫暖與和藹可親。所以,在這裡特別感謝Carol和另一位工作者Spencer給我們主帆修改的建議,更感謝他們對我們溫暖的歡迎。
