Thursday, May 22, 2008

Checking In

It's been a while. We're in Nanaimo now, our first day back in 'civilization' since leaving Port Townsend. So it's time to put up a few photos and updates on the trip so far.

Rather than put up everything all at once, we are using a handy feature of Blogger to let our posts appear every couple of days, so hopefully this site will remain entertaining and enjoyable between now and our next stop at an Internet connected port.

In the meantime, special thanks to Clifford's Wake Books and Coffee for the internet access, coffee, and general kindness. Oddly enough, despite having internet access, they don't have a web site, so you'll have to find them on your own down the China Steps near Nanaimo's harbor.

好一陣子了,我們現在在加拿大的Nanaimo鎮。這是我們在離開Port Townsend之後第一個「重返文明」的地方,讓我們有機會上傳我們最新的旅程和旅途的照片。


特別感謝Clifford's Wake Books and Coffee,這個可愛的書店/咖啡館提供的無線上網。奇怪的是,他們有免費無線上網服務,卻沒有書店網址,你們只好自己尋幽探訪,在Nanaimo港的China step轉角,期待不經意的驚喜。