Thursday, June 26, 2008

6/4 -6/6 Squirrel Cove 松鼠小灣








Several days of trash had collected on the boat. The smell finally forced us to leave depart for Squirrel cove and head to Refuge Cove again. We were finally ready to pay the fees required to be rid of our trash.

Garbage barge Dave lives on his boat surrounded by a barge full of garbage that has grown to the size of a small island. He was unwilling to say that he had already quit for the day. He saw us coming from a distance and stayed inside hoping we were just passing by. He put on a fairly convincing front of being an environmentalist and then charged us an $8 “environmental protection fee” to take our bag of trash.

Leaving Refuge Cove we hit a 15 knot wind gusts to near 20. the overpowered genoa pulled us along at a brisk pace. We tore across the bay in front of a tug pulling a large boom of logs.

We entered Squirrel under sail. As we approached, I nearly went numb with fear, but I stayed on deck and handled the genoa. With the wind behind us, a few quick turns put us safely inside. The place that had once inspired such terror in me was now familiar. I began to feel at ease.

Despite our growing familiarity with Squirrel Cove, Rob didn't sleep for two nights running. The first night, we set our anchor under sail, using a little wind in through a gap to set the hook. That night, the same opening funneled wind directly onto the boat keeping Rob restless as he constantly checked to make sure the anchor was still holding. The second night, Rob waited nearly all night for our lazy sourdough culture to finally make the dough rise.

In the end, we set the alarm for 4:00 am to finally bake our first loaf of sourdough. Over an unbroken chain of yawns we opened the pressure cooker to see how our bread had turned out. Our hearts fell as we discovered the brick we had created.